MAC Productions Renovating Warehouse to Better Serve Clients

MAC Warehouse Construction

MAC Productions started 2023 off with some big changes! If you’ve ever taken a drive down Pike Street in Covington, you might notice that MAC Productions takes up a good portion of our block – but what you don’t see is a sprawling headquarters that spans five buildings.  

We have begun the process of construction on our headquarters in Covington to make better use of our existing space.   

Since 1992, MAC has been slowly expanding from our original headquarters at 242 West Pike Street. At the end of 2022, we began to expand our usable space. Due to the nature of the old buildings we inhabit, we’ve torn down walls to build them back up once again to accommodate for growth over the years. 

Currently, MAC Production’s warehouse and offices span two main buildings and three auxiliary warehouses totaling more than 30,000 sq ft. After this construction process, we’ll be able to better serve our clients by streamlining our planning processes to give easier access to more areas of our warehouse. It’s also improving the overall organization and flow of our facilities.  

In addition to making room for more storage, some of our equipment is a heavy lift. In order to easily get a forklift from one building to the next, we are cutting an opening between the two buildings. 

But the work doesn’t end there.  

Once the initial construction process is complete, we will begin improving our warehouse layout by expanding our scenic department and design services. 

Soon, we will be able to better test stage sets and store frequently used set pieces for clients. In addition to expanding our storage, we’ve moved our woodshop to accommodate better customization. This will allow us to better provide you with turnkey productions.

Ready for your next event to shine? Contact MAC Productions today at (800) 347-2902 or contact us here. 

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